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unicorn magic birthday spread
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Servings: 12


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Step 1

Bake chicken nuggets and fries according to package instructions. Once the variety of fries are baked, arrange them all on one baking sheet. Keep the fries and the chicken nuggets warming in a 200℉ oven until ready to serve the spread.

Step 2

Wash and prep all fruits and veggies.

Step 3

Make the red arc with quartered strawberries and raspberries.

Step 4

Make the orange arc with clementine slices.

Step 5

Make the yellow arc with mango chunks.

Step 6

Make the green arc with diced kiwi and halved green grapes.

Step 7

Make the blue arc with blueberries.

Step 8

Make the purple arc with halved red grapes.

Step 9

Place the marshmallows on the tray to create the clouds at the ends of the rainbow.

Step 10

Fill a unicorn cake pan with rows of broccoli florets, yellow snacking tomatoes, petit carrots, red snacking tomatoes and cauliflower florets.

Step 11

To make the unicorn’s eye, slice a whole black olive in half. Use one half for the eye by placing it on top of the cluster of cauliflower florets near the top. Add a tiny piece of cauliflower to the top of the black olive half to create the pupil of the eye. Slice the other half of the olive into three slivers and place them above the olive half to create the eyelashes of the unicorn.

Step 12

To create the unicorn’s horn, place a pointed celery stalk extending out the top of the pan, tucking it in just under the broccoli to keep it in place.

Step 13

Fill star bowls with hummus and ranch.

Step 14

Fill a bowl with Rolo candies.

Step 15

Fill small bowls with dipping sauces for the nuggets and fries. I used ketchup, mustard, honey mustard, and barbecue sauce, but use whatever your guests would enjoy most!

Step 16

Fill a serving tray with the warm chicken nuggets and set them on the spread along with the baking sheet of warm fries.

Step 17

Arrange all of the magical snacks on the spread space.

Step 18

Decorate the space with festive unicorn and magical decorations. I found these adorable mini unicorn pinatas at Target. I ordered the cookies from @mary_the_third_