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vegan tofu “spam”


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 1470 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Press the tofu for 10 to 15 minutes to remove excess water. I like to wrap mine in a towel and place a weighted surface or a few plates on top of the tofu.

Step 2

Slice the tofu into cubes.

Step 3

You can also slice some into 3/4-inch thick slabs.

Step 4

Prepare the marinade by mixing all the ingredients together in a plate or container. Mix it well until the sugar has dissolved. This marinade in the photo doesn’t have the beet powder. Using beet powder will make it appear pinker/reddish in colour as seen in the photo below.

Step 5

Add in the tofu cubes/slab and coat in the marinade.

Step 6

Leave the tofu to marinate overnight for the best flavours. You can opt to marinate it longer for 2-3 days. Refrigerate until ready to cook.

Step 7

When ready to cook, don’t discard the excess marinade!

Step 8

Heat a large non-stick pan or skillet over medium high heat. Add in some oil to the pan.

Step 9

Add in the tofu pieces. Cook over high heat until lightly brown on each side, around 10 minutes total.

Step 10

Scoop the excess marinade to cook the tofu in. The sauce will be absorbed by the tofu as it cooks.

Step 11

Repeat this for the rest of the tofu (or the slabs of tofu, if you sliced them into slabs too).

Step 12

Turn off the heat.

Step 13

Enjoy your tofu “spam” in fried rice, as is, in wraps, and more.

Step 14

You can find my tofu "spam" fried rice recipe here.