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Export 2 ingredients for grocery delivery
Step 1
First, Wash, peel, and core apples.
Step 2
Place sliced apples into a large bowl of water with a cup of bottled lemon juice to prevent browning.
Step 3
After all apples have been peeled, cored and sliced into ascorbic acid bath, drain apple slices and put them into a large (8-10-quart) cooking pot.
Step 4
Add 1/2 cup of water (or Apple Juice) for 14 pounds apples or 1 cup of water for 21 pounds apples. Adding enough water keeps apples from burning.
Step 5
Heat quickly until tender (5 to 20 minutes, depending on maturity and variety) Stirring occasionally to prevent burning. This recipe does not use a slow cooker or instant pot.
Step 6
For smooth applesauce, use an immersion blender, or potato masher or food processor to blend cooked apples. *****Skip the pressing step if you prefer chunky applesauce.****
Step 7
Add seasoning if desired now.
Step 8
Reheat sauce to boiling.
Step 9
Fill jars with hot applesauce, leaving ½-inch headspace.
Step 10
Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice to each quart jar, or half a tablespoon for each pint jar.
Step 11
Remove air bubbles with a butter knife.
Step 12
Wipe Rim with a damp cloth.
Step 13
Place & adjust lids.
Step 14
Process in a waterbath canner. Directions below -
Step 15
Turn heat up to high heat on water bath canner, and get water to a hard boil.
Step 16
Using a canning rack or jar lifter, lower jars into boiling water. Keep jars upright so applesauce does not get into rim area and cause the seal to fail.
Step 17
If the water is not 1-2 inches above the jar lids, add more boiling water to get it up to the right level.
Step 18
Process time: If you live between 1000 and 3000 ft elevation process PINT JARS at a high boil for 15 (Quart jars 25 minutes) minutes. If you live 3000- 6000 ft process PINT at a hard boil for 20 minutes (30 minutes for QUART jars). If you live above 6000 ft elevation process PINT for 25 minutes at a hard boil (35 minutes for quart jars).
Step 19
. Check the canner every so often to make sure water is still 1-2 inches above jar lids, add more boiling water if needed.
Step 20
When time is up, turn off burner, and remove lid.
Step 21
Let cool for 5 minutes, then remove jars KEEPING THEM IN THE UPRIGHT position so applesauce does not get between seal.
Step 22
Set each hot jar at least an inch apart on a towel or wire rack to cool.
Step 23
Let jars cool to room temperature for 12-24 hours.
Step 24
DO NOT TIGHTEN LIDS OR PRESS ON LIDS! Jars must seal on their own to be safe.
Step 25
After 12-24 hours, remove rings and wash jars.
Step 26
Store sealed jars in a cool dry place (50-70 degrees) dark place for best results.
Step 27
If you have a jar that does not seal, put it in the refrigerator and use within a week.