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baked peanut butter & lime tofu


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total: 50 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Preheat your oven or oven toaster to 380F/200C.

Step 2

Drain excess water out of the tofu. I usually do this by wrapping them with some paper towels and placing a plate on top of them but you can also opt to use a tofu press. This step is important to make sure the water seeps out of the tofu and the tofu to be able to absorb the sauce well.

Step 3

Slice the tofu into 3/4 to 1-inch thick pieces. Mine were rectangular pieces.

Step 4

Mix all the sauce ingredients together in a bowl or deep plate. Feel free to adjust the measurements according to your desired sweetness and sourness.

Step 5

Add each tofu into the sauce to coat well.

Step 6

Transfer the tofu on a baking tray lined with some parchment paper.

Step 7

Pour the excess sauce over the tofu. You can also leave some of the sauce to pour over the tofu after cooking.

Step 8

Bake the tofu for 35-40 minutes or until it has absorbed the sauce and formed a nice coating from the sauce (see pics above).

Step 9

You can also pan-fry your tofu (see notes below).

Step 10

Serve with some turmeric garlic rice, sliced cucumber for an extra refreshing crunch, sliced cilantro for a perfectly hearty meal.

Step 11

You can over the excess sauce of the tofu (if you set some aside) and some sesame seeds. Enjoy!