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beef sticks


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 60 minutes

Cook Time: 180 minutes

Servings: 40


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Step 1

Grind the meat through a 3/16" (4.5 mm) grinder plate.

Step 2

Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. I find that a stand mixer with a paddle attachment works very well for mixing.

Step 3

Stuff into 18-24 mm natural or collagen casings.

Step 4

Tie into 24" rings (24" total length, 12" top to bottom when the ring is formed).

Step 5

Transfer to the smoker and dry without smoke for 30-45 minutes at 110F, or until dry to touch.

Step 6

Raise the temperature to 130F and smoke for 2-3 hours or until the desired color is obtained.

Step 7

Transfer to a large pot with water preheated to 165F. Poach for 15 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 154-158 F.

Step 8

Shower with cold water for about 5 min, then let cool down and dry.

Step 9

Cut into 6" sticks.

Step 10

Store in a refrigerator.