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canning shredded chicken
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours, 10 minutes

Total: 2 hours, 40 minutes


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Step 1

Put your chicken in a big pot or dutch oven.  Cover with water and bring to a boil.  Cook until chicken is done and tender.  Remove chicken to cool but save chicken broth in your pot or dutch oven.

Step 2

Fill your pressure cooker with water about halfway. When water is hot, add your clean quart size jars and lids so that they may start to sterilize.

Step 3

Once the chicken is cooled, pull chicken apart until it is shredded.

Step 4

Added chicken to your jars and then add broth with one-inch headspace.  This will be right below the jar rim.

Step 5

Add your lid and band to all jars.

Step 6

Add your jars back to the pressure cooker, cover and bring to a boil.*If you end up getting white lines on your jars due to hard water, you can add one cup of vinegar to your water before boiling.

Step 7

Once your water has come to a boil, keep the pressure cooker at a steady pressure of 11 pounds for 90 minutes.

Step 8

When finished, turn off and allow pressure to release naturally.  Remove lid and jars.

Step 9

Let jars sit for at least 24 hours to cool and seal.  Label and store.