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green tomato salsa


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Cook Time: 50 minutes

Total: 95 minutes

Servings: 6

Cost: $1.59 /serving


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Step 1

Wash the tomatoes. Blanch the tomatoes for about 60 seconds in boiling water, then plunge immediately into very cold water. Cut off and discard the peel. Chop. Measure to make up quantity specified in ingredients. Add tomato to a large pot. Wash and prep the pepper, onion and garlic, and add to same pot.

Step 2

Add the lime juice.

Step 3

Bring to a boil.

Step 4

Add in the remaining ingredients.

Step 5

Lower heat and simmer for 3 minutes.

Step 6

Spoon into quarter-litre (1/2 US pint) or half-litre (US pint) jars.

Step 7

Leave 2 cm (1/2 inch) headspace.

Step 8

Debubble, adjust headspace.

Step 9

Wipe jar rims.

Step 10

Put lids on.

Step 11

Process in a water bath or steam canner.

Step 12

Process either size jar for 20 minutes; increase time as needed for your altitude.

Step 13

Best after at least a month of jar time.