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how to make soft, creamy scrambled eggs


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Servings: 2


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Step 1

Begin warming your pan: Place the pan over low heat on your stove. Add a teaspoon of butter and let it begin to melt while you whisk the eggs.

Step 2

Whisk the eggs together: Crack all the eggs into a bowl. Whisk them vigorously until the whites and yolks are completely mixed, and the eggs are a bit frothy.

Step 3

Season the eggs: Whisk the salt and a few grinds of pepper into the eggs. If you like, also add a tablespoon of cream or milk. Whisk to combine.

Step 4

Pour the eggs into the pan. The eggs will spread out in a thin layer — that's fine.

Step 5

Cook the eggs for 10 to 15 minutes. Stir the eggs occasionally with a spatula. At first the eggs will be very liquidy; then you'll notice large, opaque curds starting to form. Eventually, the eggs will no longer run in to fill the gaps when you stir. Frequent stirring will give you smaller curds; stirring less frequently will give you larger, irregular curds. Continue cooking until the eggs are as soft or as firm as you like them.

Step 6

Remove the eggs from heat slightly before they're done: The eggs will continue cooking for a minute or two off the heat, so remove them when they're almost — but not quite — as cooked as you like them. If you want to add herbs, stir them in now, or sprinkle over the top.

Step 7

Slide the eggs onto a plate and enjoy! These eggs are best eaten as soon as they're off the stove, but if you'd like to keep them warm for a little while, see the instructions below.

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