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keto fiber tortillas recipe


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Prepare a Fathead Dough. First, start melting the mozzarella cheese. Once that is fully melted add fiber, egg, and mix fully until all three ingredients are incorporated into one beautiful silky dough. (check Video)

Step 2

Once the dough is fully mixed, place it onto the silicone mat and cut it into eight pieces.

Step 3

Separate the dough into equal eight parts.

Step 4

Once you have the dough separated, take one piece, and roll into a round shape. I like to use a small silicone roller but you can use a wooden one or just a wine bottle.

Step 5

Roll the tortilla into the thinnest piece possible.

Step 6

Once the dough is rolled into a round shape take one of the bowls you have at home in the shape and size you want your tortilla to be and press gently to make a perfectly round shape. (check Video)

Step 7

After you have cut, sliced, rolled, and shaped your Keto Tortillas, gently place them onto a parchment paper.

Step 8

Once all of the tortillas are rolled you can start getting ready for cooking them.

Step 9

You can either place all of them into the oven( 200C° (400F) for about 10 to 12 minutes until slightly brown) which is also a choice, or cook them one by one on the stove.

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