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kung pao chicken


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 2

Cost: $25.30 /serving


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Step 1

Prepare a small bowl; add all the seasonings for the sauce together.

Step 2

If you use chicken thigh: remove the bones by cutting a break on the top and then push the meat off with the help of a sharp knife.

Step 3

Cut the meat into long strips and further into one bite size cubes. Transfer the chicken to a large bowl and marinating with salt, soy sauce, water, cooking wine and cornstarch.

Step 4

Heat up oil in wok until hot, pour in cold oil and then heat until warm. Place the chicken cubes in and let them stay for 3-5 seconds until the starch begins gelatinization. Gently fry until all of the chicken cubes begin to change color.

Step 5

Transfer the chicken cubes to the edges of the wok and empty the center. Add Sichuan peppercorn and dried chili pepper, fry until aromatic. Place in garlic, ginger and half of the scallion sections. Quickly fry to mix well.

Step 6

Add the remaining onion sections and pour the sauce in (pre-stir the sauce just before using).  At last mix in fried peanuts.  Transfer out immediately as long as everything is well combined.