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rainbow-roasted veggies with dipping sauce | recipe
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Cook Time: 40


Servings: 8

Cost: $7.64 /serving


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Step 1

Slice the onion into rounds and separate the rings. Slice off the tops of the peppers and cut them either in strips or in rounds. Lightly toss with oil and lay on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with kosher or Himalayan salt.

Step 2

Toss the cauliflower florets in a bowl with about one tablespoon of oil and lay on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with kosher or Himalayan salt.

Step 3

Cut the parsnips and carrots into long strips, similar to French fries. Toss in oil and lay on a baking sheet.

Step 4

In a large wok, sauté garlic in oil and add the sugar snap peas. Sauté for two minutes, constantly tossing.

Step 5

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius), using the roast setting in your oven.

Step 6

Place the baking sheets in the oven and roast the vegetables until the edges are turning brown, approximately 20 minutes.

Step 7

Blend the ingredients for the dipping sauce in a food processor until smooth.

Step 8

Serve the vegetables at room temperature. Lay them all out on a platter and pour the dipping sauce on top, or serve separately on the side.

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