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rice paper omelette rolls
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 25 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 50 minutes


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Step 1

Heat a 20cm (base measurement) non-stick frying pan over moderately low heat. Brush with a little oil. Pour 2 tablespoons egg into pan and tilt to make a thin omelette. Cook for 1-2 minutes or until set. Transfer to a plate. Repeat with remaining egg, reheating and greasing pan if necessary.

Step 2

Dip rice paper sheets, one at a time, into a bowl of hot water to soften. Place on a clean work surface. Top each paper sheet with an omelette, then one-eighth each of the carrot, cucumber, sprouts, capsicum and coriander. Fold in 2 opposite sides then roll up tightly to enclose. Serve with sauce.