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spaghetti carbonara


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Cook spaghetti to "al dente" in salted (2 Tbsp kosher salt per gallon) water.  Dice guanciale into small pieces.  Saute guanciale in a large pan with 1 tsp of olive oil for 7-10 minutes on medium heat.

Step 2

While guanciale is cooking break 4 eggs into a bowl and mix with 1 cup of pecorino cheese.

Step 3

Remove guanciale after cooked through and set aside.  To the pan with the remaining fat add 2 ounces of pasta water and the pasta.  Cook the pasta in the guanciale fat and water mixture for 1 minute then remove the pan from the heat.

Step 4

Wait for 1 minute, then add the egg/cheese mixture to the spaghetti and mix quickly.  A creamy sauce will form.  If it is too dry add a couple tablespoons of pasta water at a time to get the perfect consistency.  If it is too wet add a touch more pecorino.

Step 5

Finally add the guanciale back to the spaghetti.  Add the black pepper as well.  Mix again and serve quickly while still creamy.  Enjoy!