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the best bok choy kimchi


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Prep Time: 60 minutes


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Step 1

Slice the bruised ends of bok choy as needed while keeping the root ends attached to the stem. Cut bok choy half lengthwise, then another half lengthwise. Each bok choy head should yield 4 equal parts. Repeat this step to all bok choy and wash well in a large bowl. Let it sit on a strainer and set aside.

Step 2

Into a large mixing bowl, add 6 cups of water and coarse sea salt. Stir until salt is dissolved.

Step 3

Emerge bok choy into the bowl and give it a good swoosh, making sure salt water gets into each leaves. Leave in the bowl for 35mins to brine.

Step 4

Make kimchi seasoning. Combine all kimchi seasoning ingredients and mix well. Set aside.

Step 5

Slice onion and chop scallions and set aside.

Step 6

When brining time is up, reserve only 3Tbsp of Brine water. Rinse bok choy in a bowl of cold water in swoosh motion. Then squeeze excess water gently (without damaging the leaves) and place them into a big mixing bowl. You don't have to squeeze too hard,

Step 7

Back into the bowl, add bok choy, brine water and kimchi seasoning. Use plastic gloves and mix everything well with hands. Again, be gentle not to bruise the leaves. Add scallion and onion, give it a gentle mix.

Step 8

Transfer kimchi into a container with a tight lid. Leave in room temperature for 24hours. Before storing in the fridge, let air out once then cover tightly again. Consume within 3 weeks.