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the best chocolate brownie protein bars (vegan + gluten-free)
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 12


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Step 1

Bring a small pot of water to a boil. Remove from heat. Add pitted dates and allow to soak for at least 10 minutes. Strain excess water.

Step 2

In the bowl of a food processor, combine the soaked dates (after straining), almond butter, applesauce, water and vanilla extract. Blend until mostly smooth.

Step 3

Next, add the protein powder (120g), cacao powder, and salt. Blend again until a thick dough forms. You may have to scrape down the sides in between blending to assure everything is evenly combined. The dough should hold together when pressed between your fingers. If it seems too dry and isn't holding together, try adding 1 tablespoon of water at a time and blending again, until it holds together.

Step 4

Transfer the dough to a large bowl. Add the chopped walnuts (or other desired mix-ins). Using a rubber spatula, fold them into the dough.

Step 5

Line a 9x5" loaf pan with two small pieces of parchment paper, placed perpendicular to one another. Transfer the dough to the loaf pan then press down with the spatula, until the dough is spread across the pan and flat on top. Cover with another piece of small parchment paper and refrigerate for about 3 hours, until set.

Step 6

Use a large knife to slice the dough into 12 bars, each about ¾-inch thick. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week, or freeze for up to 3 months.

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