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vegan bacon bits


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 32


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Step 1

Preheat your oven to 225° F (107° C).

Step 2

Heat 1 cup of water, 2 tablespoons oil, 1 tablespoon smoked paprika, 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon liquid smoke in a saucepan.

Step 3

Once it comes to a boil, turn it off and pour in 1 1/2 cups of TVP and stir, coating the TVP in the broth.

Step 4

Spread onto a cookie sheet and place in the oven at 225°F (107° C) for about 45 minutes.

Step 5

Give them a little stir or shake the tray every 10-15 minutes while in the oven to make sure they cook evenly.

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