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abuela's best mexican rice


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Prep Time: 45 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total: 45 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Heat the oil in a heavy nonstick skillet over medium heat.

Step 2

Add the onions and the garlic to the skillet and sauté until the onions and garlic are both lightly browned, about 3-4 minutes.

Step 3

When the onions and the garlic are lightly browned, transfer the garlic clove from the skillet and set aside.

Step 4

Add the rice to the onions and cook, stirring constantly, until the rice becomes slightly puffy and golden brown.

Step 5

Add the chicken bouillon and the garlic powder to the rice mixture, and continue toasting until fragrant, about 1 minute.

Step 6

In the pitcher of a blender, add the Roma tomatoes and the cooked garlic. Blend to create the tomato sauce.

Step 7

Add the tomato sauce to the rice mixture, stirring constantly for 30 seconds.

Step 8

Add the hot water and the salt to the rice mixture and stir to combine.

Step 9

Add the cilantro and the jalapeño on top of the rice mixture.

Step 10

Continue boiling the rice mixture over medium-low heat until some of the water has evaporated.

Step 11

Adjust the heat to the lowest setting and simmer the rice mixture, covered, until all of the liquid has been absorbed, about 20 minutes.

Step 12

Fluff the rice gently with a fork.

Step 13
