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carrot hummus


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Servings: 6


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Step 1

1 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

Step 2

2 Have a medium roasting pan at hand

Step 3

3 Toast the cumin and coriander seeds in a small dry skillet for about a minute until just fragrant

Step 4

4 Use a mortar and pestle to grind them to a fine-ish powder

Step 5

5 Transfer to a large bowl; whisk in 4 tablespoons of the oil and all the honey

Step 6

6 Cut the carrots into 1/4-inch chunks, then add to the spiced oil along with the garlic

Step 7

7 Toss to coat and season with salt and pepper to taste

Step 8

8 Scrape the dressed carrots into the roasting pan and spread in an even layer; roast, turning once, until the carrots are tender and just starting to char slightly around the edges, 25 to 35 minutes

Step 9

9 Cool slightly, then transfer the roasting pan's contents to a food processor, slipping the garlic cloves out of their skins as you do so and scraping as much of the crusty brown bits, spices and oil as possible into the food processor

Step 10

10 Add the lemon and orange juices, tahini and the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil

Step 11

11 Puree until smooth

Step 12

12 Adjust the seasoning as needed

Step 13

13 Transfer to a serving dish and lightly drizzle with more oil

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