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cream cheese fat bombs recipe


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Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 1 hours, 15 minutes

Servings: 20


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Step 1

Prepare all of your ingredients together on the kitchen counter.

Step 2

Add all of the ingredients one by one into a big jar or a whisking jar.

Step 3

Using a hand blender, whisk all together into a smooth, creamy consistency.

Step 4

Once everything is mixed into a smooth consistency, and you wish to follow the steps of coloring your fat bombs, separate them into two jars.

Step 5

Add your natural coloring into each jar.

Step 6

Whisk each container together with the coloring until you get the desired color.

Step 7

Once you are satisfied with the colors, fill your molds with the mixture.

Step 8

For the whole mixture to set correctly and avoid the bubbles, gently bang the molds against the kitchen counter a few times.

Step 9

Place in the freezer for 1 to 2 hours.