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dehydrated beans
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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Servings: 3


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Step 1

Start with clean hands, equipment, and countertops.

Step 2

Drain and rinse beans under cold water.

Step 3

Arrange the beans on dehydrator trays, utilizing a mesh liner to prevent the beans from falling through the holes as they shrink.

Step 4

Dehydrate at 125ºF (52ºC) for 6-12 hours until the beans are dry and brittle (see note 2).

Step 5

Let the dried beans cool completely before storing.

Step 6

Short-term storage: If beans will be consumed within a few weeks, store in a ziptop bag or sealed container on the counter or in a pantry.

Step 7

Long-term storage: Condition by loosely packing the dried beans in a transparent, airtight container. Leave it on the counter for a week and check it daily for signs of moisture. If condensation appears, return the beans to the dehydrator (unless there are signs of mold—then, throw out the whole batch). Shake occasionally to keep the beans from sticking together.

Step 8

After conditioning, store in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Vacuum sealing will help extend the shelf life and quality of the peas.