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delicious and easy roasted tomatillo salsa verde


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Using a hot cast iron pan (or comal), dry roast the tomatillos, onion halves, peppers and garlic. We want some scorch marks but not to cook the ingredients. This should take 2-3 minutes. Keep flipping ingredients to get color on multiple sides.

Step 2

Alternatively, you can broil the ingredients in your oven.

Step 3

Transfer the scorched tomatillos, onion halves and peeled garlic to the blender.

Step 4

If you like your salsa spicy, add the hot peppers whole. If you prefer a milder sauce, remove the seeds. If you're not sure how spicy it will be, start with one hot pepper. You can always add heat to a sauce, but you cannot take it out without diluting it!

Step 5

Add the cilantro, lime juice, white vinegar and salt/pepper, cumin (if using).

Step 6

Pulse the blender a few times. Blend on low/medium but don't over process.

Step 7

Taste your sauce and adjust seasonings.

Step 8

Pulse or process to desired consistency. I like it a little chunky.

Step 9

If you're going to freeze your salsa, I recommend you cook it down to remove some of the water content. Transfer the salsa to a small saucepan and cook on medium heat for 8-10 minutes. Let it cool and transfer to mason jars or deli containers and freeze. Frozen green salsa will keep for up to 1 year, but I guarantee you'll use it before then.