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diy beet powder
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 615 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Wash beets well.

Step 2

Remove stems, leaves and root.

Step 3

Peel beets

Step 4

Shred beets or chop into small pieces using a knife or a food processor.

Step 5

Spread onto dehydrator trays lined with parchment paper (don't use your mesh sheets because they will likely become stained).

Step 6

Dry at 125°F/52°C for 10-14 hours.

Step 7

Test for dryness - should be crunchy and break easily.

Step 8

Condition if going into storage as is.

Step 9

Store in an airtight container for about two years.

Step 10

Pulse beet chips a few times before blending full.

Step 11

Condition powder by placing back into your dehydrator in coffee filters or muffin papers or bowl, or by placing onto a baking sheet lined with a fruit leather sheet or parchment paper and placing into a warm but turned off oven to allow any residual moisture to evaporate

Step 12

Store in an airtight container with a moisture absorber if desired.

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