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egg salad sandwich bento


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Gather all the ingredients. Make a hard boiled egg on the previous day to save time in the morning.

Step 2

In a small bowl, mash the boiled egg with a fork.

Step 3

Add 1 Tbsp of mayonnaise and mix well. If it's not moist, you can add ½ Tbsp more.

Step 4

Season with salt and pepper (and sugar if you like). I like to add salt and pepper a bit more than what I usually add to give good flavor.

Step 5

Spread the egg mixture on top a piece of bread and put another slice of bread on top.

Step 6

[Optional] Cut off the edges of the bread. Japanese sandwiches usually don’t have edges.

Step 7

Cut the sandwich into 2-3 parts depending on the bento box size.

Step 8

Pack the sandwich in bento box and put some fruits and vegetables in the empty space.