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homemade strawberry syrup


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 80

Cost: $0.12 /serving


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Step 1

Rinse and remove the tops of the berries.

Step 2

Cut berries in quarters (or eighths for big ones) and add them to a large saucepan.

Step 3

Cook berries over medium heat and gently mush them with a wooden spoon or spatula as they heat up.

Step 4

Add in the sugar and lemon juice and continue to cook, stirring often until the syrup comes to a boil.

Step 5

Cook at a boil for two minutes, stirring the whole time. You may need to lower the heat a bit to keep the sauce from boiling over.

Step 6

Remove the pot from the heat and allow the syrup to cool before storing. It will thicken as it cools.

Step 7

Using a metal spoon, skim foam from the top of the sauce.

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