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homemade turkish meatballs kofte recipe


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Prep Time: 8 hours

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 8 hours, 20 minutes

Servings: 50


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Step 1

In a large bowl, combine ground beef, breadcrumbs, finely diced onion and mashed garlic.

Step 2

Add in the spices.

Step 3

In a small bowl, mix baking soda, water and lemon juice. Pour this into the ground beef mixture. Mix well with your hand. Knead it for 5 minutes so that everything is combined well.

Step 4

Cover and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight or at least 2-3 hours.

Step 5

Roll them into meatballs.

Step 6

Brush a cast iron pan with little oil and heat it. Cook the meatballs over the higest heat, flipping them over so that all sides are slightly cooked. Bring it to the lowest and continue cooking until done for about 10 minutes, shaking the pan or flipping them over occasionally. Cook the meatballs in batches until they finish or save some to freeze.

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