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hot chocolate bomb


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 35 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Chop chocolate and melt in a double boiler or with your microwave using 30 second bursts, storring in between. You can temper the chocolate if you're making these In advance or want that shiny surface but it is not a must.

Step 2

Add a spoonful of melted chocolate to your hemispherical mold and use a spoon or brush to create an even layer of chocolate all the way up to the edge. Freeze for about ten minutes.

Step 3

Warm a pan over medium heat for about 30 seconds then remove from heat and carefully remove the now set chocolate from the mold . Gloves are handy of avoiding fingerprints at this stage. Carefully melt the edge on the pan and place in a cupcake paper or round cookie cutter to hold in place.

Step 4

Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder to the base then top with a mound of marshmallows. Melt the bottom of another shell and place on the base. Press down gently and pipe a very thin line of melted chocolate onto the joint to seal the two halves. Smooth with your finger or a small knife.

Step 5

Decorate with a drizzle or dark or white chocolate and sprinkles if desired. Repeat for the remaining chocolates.