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how to cut sweet potatoes
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 1

Cost: $2.76 /serving


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Step 1

Wash sweet potatoes under cold water using a spud brush or your hands to scrub them. Vegetable sprays are great for washing as well.

Step 2

Peel the potatoes using a hand vegetable peeler. Holding sweet potato in one hand use a sweeping motion going away from yourself until all of the brown skin is off.If you find that you have brown or black spots you can carve them out using the top of your hand peeler. If your peeler doesn't have one then you can use a pairing knife by sticking the tip into the spot and working your way around the spot until it comes out.

Step 3

Slice a thin slice down the side of your sweet potato so that it lays flat on its side and does not roll around.

Step 4

Cut through across the sweet potato every 1/4 inch making round slices.

Step 5

Just like above, you want to cut your sweet potato into rounds. Then stack 2-3 slices on top of each other and cut 1/4 inch strips going vertical. You want to make sure that the strips or fries are relatively the same thickness and size so that they cook evenly.

Step 6

Follow the last two steps by cutting the sweet potato into rounds and then into strips cut vertically. Then you want to cut the stack horizontally about every 1/4 inch making them into cubes.Note that the size can vary depending on how big or small you would like your cubes.