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mongolian meat pockets (khuushuur)

Your Recipes

Prep Time: 20

Cook Time: 10

Total: 30

Servings: 15

Cost: $1.81 /serving


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Step 1

Mix all the ingredients except the flour in a bowl and set aside

Step 2

Add flour to another bowl and slowly add water while mixing the dough by hand until the dough is smooth and slightly sticky

Step 3

Remove dough from bowl and divide into four

Step 4

Take one piece of dough and cover the rest with plastic wrap so that it doesn't dry out

Step 5

Roll into a thick rope and cut and into 2 inch pieces

Step 6

Shape into a flat circle, stuff with tablespoon of meat and seal ends using a bit of water. See pictures above.

Step 7

Repeat until you use up the remaining ingredients