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perfect homemade spaetzle recipe


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Add the flour, eggs, water, and salt to a stand mixer with the whisk attachment and vigorously whisk on high speed until it becomes almost like a thicker pan-cake batter. You may see a few bubbles in there which is a good thing. Set aside.

Step 2

Next, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.

Step 3

Place a perforated pan, spaetzle maker, or colander with large holes over the pot of boiling salted water and place about a ½ cup of the dough batter onto the pan or maker and press through the holes into the water using a rubber spatula or dough scraper.

Step 4

The dough will break off once pushed through into small oblong shaped dough pieces.

Step 5

Once the spaetzle rises to the top, it is done cooking.

Step 6

Remove the spaetzle using a slotted spoon and toss in with butter, salt, and pepper, and cook over medium heat until lightly browned or immediately cool in ice water until ready to use.

Step 7

If you cooled them, add the butter to a large frying pan over medium heat until melted and then add in the drained spaetzle and heat until hot and lightly browned. Season with salt, and pepper, and optional chopped parsley.

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