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red currant oats with yogurt
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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 10 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

To a medium pot add the rolled oats and the water. Let simmer on medium heat until almost all water is absorbed. Add the plant-based milk (start with a little and add more as the oats absorb more of the milk).

Step 2

Add the red currants too and let simmer on low heat. You can smash half of the red currants with a fork so they release their juice in the oat porridge. Also, add in the sweetener of choice.

Step 3

Stir until the oat porridge is slightly runny and warmed. Don’t let it boil and don’t add too much milk at a time.

Step 4

The porridge is ready to be served when it’s creamy and as thick or thin as you like. *

Step 5

When the porridge is done, take the pot off the heat and stir in the yogurt or serve it next to your porridge in the bowl.

Step 6

Pour the red currant oat porridge in a one serving bowl and add more red currants on top. Serve with yogurt, chopped walnuts, almond butter and a dash of cinnamon.

Step 7

Serve the porridge warm as it combines so deliciously with the cold yogurt and tart red currants.