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starbucks pistachio latte at-home


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Combine sugar and water in a small pot. Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer. Remove pistachios from shells and chop. Optionally, add a pinch of salt to the mixture.

Step 2

Add in the chopped pistachios and continue to simmer for 8–10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 3

Remove from heat, let cool slightly, then strain through a fine mesh sleeve. Stir in almond extract.

Step 4

Store in a container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Step 5

Slice butter into even pieces and place in a light-colored pan over medium to medium-low heat.

Step 6

Stir gently as the butter melts, foams, and turns a golden-brown color.

Step 7

Once the foam and milk solids settle to the bottom, remove from heat and store in a heatproof container.

Step 8

Brew your espresso or strong coffee.

Step 9

Add the pistachio syrup and browned butter to the coffee, stirring gently.

Step 10

Top with your choice of milk or milk alternative.

Step 11

Sprinkle with crushed shortbread cookies for an extra touch.

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