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sugar free limoncello


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 3 hours

Total: 3 hours, 10 minutes

Servings: 12

Cost: $2.21 /serving


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Step 1

Set your sous vide to 135 degrees fahrenheit.

Step 2

Wash all of your lemons thoroughly under warm water.

Step 3

Peels the skin off of 6 lemons, and try to get as little of the lemon pith as possible because it will make the limoncello more bitter.

Step 4

Place the lemon peels into three mini mason jars or one large mason jar and fill with vodka.

Step 5

Seal the mini mason jars and place in the sous vide water bath for 3 hours.

Step 6

Remove the jars from the water bath. While the jars are starting to cool make your Purecane simple syrup by boiling the water

Step 7

When the water is boiling mix in the Purecane and stir till its dissolved, remove from heat.

Step 8

Open each individual jar and filter out the excess lemon rinds.

Step 9

Sweeten the limoncello to taste with your Purecane simple syrup, we preferred 4 tablespoons per mini mason jar, or ¾ of a cup total.

Step 10

Chill each mini mason jar in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

Step 11

Shake or stir before drinking as some natural separation may occur.