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Pour milk in jug and cook for 22 mins at 80 degrees celsius at speed 2. Let milk cool down to 37 degrees, takes about one hour, depending on room temp.(I pour mine into a large bowl to speed up the process) Add 3 Tabsp natural POT SET yoghurt eg. Jalna to the milk and cook for 20 mins 37 degrees speed 2 (mix the yoghurt through the milk by turning it up to speed 4 for a few second then down again to speed 2) Once finished pour straight into your container where the yoghurt will set and be stored in. I recently started to use glass jars. Place the container in a thermoserver and pour very warm water around it, not boiling, that's too hot for it. Let it rest for 8 hrs or overnigt. If you remember top up the water with warm water to keep the culture nice and snugg. On a hot day don't worry about the thermoserver, leave it our in te sunshine or the kitchen bench. Once set put in fridge. Should last for about 10 days. Whey will collect as soon you start scooping the yoghurt out, mix it through as it is really healthy but then your yoghurt won't be as thick. I pour mine out in a seperate container and use it to make pancakes or instead of milk, add to shakes... Flavour: I have sweetend the yoghurt in the past before the second cooking process with maple syrup or vanilla bean paste or just flavour withj ams, coulis, stewed fruit just before serving.