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best silken tofu chocolate mousse (fluffy & vegan)


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total: 75 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Drain your soaked and pitted dates well, then place them into a food processor and pulse to obtain a puree.

Step 2

Add the silken tofu and melted dark chocolate, then process again until a creamy batter forms.

Step 3

Pour the aquafaba and cream of tartar (if using) into a medium-sized bowl and whip with a hand mixer to obtain a frothy mixture. This may take a couple of minutes, so don’t worry!

Step 4

Slowly add the chocolate mixture from the food processor into the fluffy aquafaba. Gently whisk with a spoon to incorporate until you have a creamy chocolate mousse.

Step 5

Divide into glasses and refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

Step 6

Garnish with the recommended toppings or any toppings of choice.

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