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copycat roasted cauliflower with gastrique sauce recipe


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes

Total: 55 minutes

Servings: 4

Cost: $12.15 /serving


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 2

Trim the cauliflower head to remove any green leaves and cut the stem flush with the bottom. Cut a couple of slits into the core, extending into the thick branches of the cauliflower but keeping the florets intact.

Step 3

In a small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of oil with 2 teaspoons garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Brush or rub the marinade all over the cauliflower.

Step 4

Place the cauliflower on a greased baking sheet and cover with aluminum foil. Bake for 30 minutes, and then remove the foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes until golden brown and tender but not too soft.

Step 5

Meanwhile, in a heavy-bottomed saucepan add 1/2 cup sugar and enough water for the mixture to resemble wet sand (about 2 tablespoons).

Step 6

Heat the sugar mixture over medium-high heat until the sugar granules dissolve entirely and bubbles form. Let the sugar caramelize to the desired color. The darker it is, the deeper the flavor (I like it medium-deep).

Step 7

Swirl the pan gently to help it cook evenly, but don't agitate too much, or the caramel will crystallize.

Step 8

Deglaze the pan with 1/4 cup sherry vinegar and 2 tablespoons red wine, if using. [To keep the splattering to a minimum, pour in the vinegar swiftly rather than adding it little by little. The sugar will immediately harden, creating a unique, layered-looking design.]

Step 9

Reduce the heat, and stir until the sugar dissolves into the vinegar. Let simmer to the desired thickness. Bear in mind that the gastrique will thicken as it cools.

Step 10

Add the sliced chili pepper and remove from heat.

Step 11

Spread 2-3 tablespoons of guacamole salsa on the bottom of your serving plate. Place roasted cauliflower on top, drizzle with gastrique sauce and top with pepitas and microgreens. Serve immediately. Enjoy!