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golden syrup puddings recipe


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Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Total: 60 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Preheat oven to 180C, then grease and line 4 ramekins.

Step 2

Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well.

Step 3

Add the flour, almonds and milk, and combine gently.

Step 4

Drizzle one tablespoon of golden syrup into the base of each ramekin.

Step 5

Spoon the pudding mixture carefully over the golden syrup.

Step 6

Place puddings into a baking dish and pour boiling water into the dish until the water comes two-thirds of the way up the side of the ramekin dishes.

Step 7

Cover the dish with baking paper and then foil.

Step 8

Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Step 9

Turn the puddings out onto a plate and drizzle with more golden syrup and cream.

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