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homemade vegan mayo


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Important: You’ll want to use a jar or other container that is just slightly wider than the head of the immersion blender. If the container is too wide, it may not blend properly.

Step 2

Add the soy milk, along with the Dijon, vinegar, lemon juice, and (optional) minced garlic to the jar. Place the immersion blender in all the way, so it touches the bottom of the jar. Now check that the level of the liquids is high enough to be in contact with the blades. If not, you may wish to double the recipe to ensure it blends properly.

Step 3

Add the oil to the container all at once and allow it to sit for about 30 seconds.

Step 4

With the head of the immersion blender in firm contact with the bottom of the jar, begin blending on high. The oil will be gradually pulled in and blended with the soy milk mixture.

Step 5

After about a minute, once the mixture starts to thicken, you can slowly lift or tilt the head of the immersion blender while still blending to incorporate more of the oil gradually until all of it is emulsified. Blend just until it is thick enough, as over-blending can cause the emulsion to break.

Step 6

Add salt and adjust other flavors to taste.

Step 7

Add the soy milk, along with the Dijon, vinegar, lemon juice, and (optional) minced garlic to the food processor or blender. Now check that the level of the liquids is high enough to be in contact with the blades. If not, I recommend doubling the recipe so that that the volume of this mixture reaches the blades. It may not blend properly otherwise.

Step 8

Turn the food processor/blender on high speed and gradually add the oil in a very thin, even stream. (It helps to have the oil ready in a measuring cup with a pour spout.)

Step 9

The mixture will gradually thicken as more oil is added and emulsified. Blend just until it is thick enough, as over-blending can cause the emulsion to break. Once all the oil is added, you can adjust salt and other flavors to taste.

Step 10

Homemade vegan mayo can be stored in a clean, airtight jar or other glass container. It keeps well in the fridge for at least 2 weeks. (Personally I have had a batch stay fresh for up to 1 month if I use soy milk from a newly opened container, but this can vary.)