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how to make breakfast sausage patties
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 4

Cost: $3.66 /serving


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In a large bowl, combine herbs, garlic, sugar, salt, and ground pork. Using a hand mixer beat the ground pork until well-combined. To shape the patties, divide ground pork mixture into 2-ounce portions. Shape portions into balls and then gently press using the palms of your hands. Don’t press them all the way or they will break and crack. Shape the patties by gently pressing at the center and working from the center out, turn the patties around in your hand as you shape them until they are uniform. Slightly depress the center of the patty and push a little extra meat towards the edges. This will give you an even patty once it is cooked.Heat a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Cook the patties for 2 minutes on each side or until cooked through. Note: Freeze cooked patties in a single layer on a sheet pan. Transfer frozen patties to a resealable bag. Microwave for 2–3 minutes or until heated through.

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