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lemon butter amberjack fish
Your Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Lightly salt and pepper amber jack fish fillets.  Bring a large non-stick pan to medium high heat.

Step 2

Add butter (add enough to coat the bottom of the pan).  Add a touch of olive oil if the pan is too hot and the butter is smoking.

Step 3

When hot lay fish down (skin side first if it still has skin).  Squeeze a wedge of lemon over each piece and toss in six thyme sprigs (reserve the other 6 for garnish).

Step 4

Cook ~ 3-4 minutes uncovered and undisturbed.  Flip when the fish has a nice brown buttery color.

Step 5

Add more butter if necessary.  Cook an additional 3-4 minutes or until fish is flaky.  Lower the heat if your pan is smoking too much. You don't need to flip again.

Step 6

Add salt to taste and garnish with six fresh thyme sprigs.

Step 7

Serve with a nice veggie.  The veggies in this picture are  steamed local rattlesnake green beans and halved cherry tomatoes tossed with mint pesto.  Happy Eating!  Beckie

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