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red eye gravy


Your Recipes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 25 minutes

Servings: 5

Cost: $3.90 /serving


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Step 1

In a large, wide skillet (large enough to fit the ham) over medium-high heat, cook the ham until tender and lightly browned (typically 2-4 minutes per side, until desired doneness). Set ham aside on a covered plate to keep warm.

Step 2

Reduce heat to medium, then add butter; allow to melt. Sprinkle in flour and cook, whisking constantly, until mixture turns the color of peanut butter, about 5 minutes.

Step 3

Slowly pour a small amount of bone broth in the skillet, continuing to whisk constantly. Once the bone broth has been absorbed, pour in a little more and again whisk until absorbed. Repeat this step until all bone broth has been added.

Step 4

Continuing to whisk, slowly pour in coffee until gravy is smooth.

Step 5

Season gravy with sugar and salt, then whisk well.

Step 6

Allow gravy to cook, whisking occasionally, until it begins to thicken and bubbles start to form. Remove gravy from heat.

Step 7

Serve red eye gravy immediately, drizzled on top of the cooked country ham steak.