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the edgy veg vegan big mac gingerbread espresso martini recipe vegan pain au chocolat recipe beyond meat meatballs recipe

Your Recipes

Prep Time: 6

Cook Time: 4

Total: 10

Servings: 1


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Step 1

Heat a grill pan over medium-high heat and cook burgers for 3-4 mins on each side until heated through (or according to package instructions if different).

Step 2

While the burgers are cooking, chop your onions, lettuce and pickles.

Step 3

To make the middle bun of the big mac, you can cut the top off the bun, so your bun has 3 parts.

Step 4

Lightly toast all three bun parts, by tossing them on the heat grill pan, face down, for 1 min, covered.

Step 5

To assemble the burger; spread ½ to 1 tbsp big mac sauce over the bottom piece of each bun.

Step 6

Then add some minced onion, iceburg lettuce, 1 vegan cheese slice, 1 burger patty and 3 pickle medallions (just like at the restaurant).

Step 7

Put the middle portion of the bun on next and spread with another 1 tbsp of big mac sauce, topped with onion, some lettuce,1 vegan cheese slice, 2nd burger patty, pickle medallions, and burger bun with more big mac sauce.

Step 8

To melt the cheese a bit, you can microwave each burger for 30 seconds or heat in pan with a cover.

Step 9

Serve with a side of fries.

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