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Prep Time: 35

Total: 35

Servings: 8


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Step 1

Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler.

Step 2

Using egg moulds of your choosing and a cooking brush, paint the chocolate onto the mould until totally covered.

Step 3

Place the moulds into the freezer for a few minutes, until the chocolate has hardened.

Step 4

Repeat this step, brushing on more chocolate until you have a nice thick outer shell.

Step 5

Place back into the freezer, and make your yolky insides.

Step 6

In a medium bowl, cream together brown rice syrup, vegan butter or shortening and vanilla.

Step 7

Slowly add in powdered sugar and mix until smooth.

Step 8

Place roughly a third of the mixture in a small bowl and set aside.

Step 9

Add turmeric to the leftover mixture until you’ve achieved your desired yellow yolk colour ensuring that everything is mixed well. (Don't worry, you won't even taste it)

Step 10

Refrigerate both mixtures for 30-60 mins.

Step 11

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Step 12

Using your hands roll the yellow mixture into balls, and place it on the cookie sheet.

Step 13

Once you have all the yolks you'll need, place the cookie sheet in the freezer for another 15 mins or so until firm.

Step 14

Once firm, remove from the freezer and fold the white fondant around the yellow to cover the yellow completely (so it looks like the inside of an egg).

Step 15

Repeat with all of your fondants and place the balls into the chocolate shells you hardened.

Step 16

Cover the chocolate shell and yolk inside with chocolate until the mould is full and place into the freezer until the chocolate has hardened.

Step 17

Once hard, wrap up these treats for your family and friends, and enjoy!

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