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yorkshire puddings


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Pre-heat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan

Step 2

Add ½tsp olive oil to each hole in a 6-hole muffin tin and place into the hot oven

Step 3

Add 70g of plain flour and 2 eggs to a large bowl and mix thoroughly

Step 4

Gradually add 100ml milk, ensuring that each part is fully incorporated into the mixture before adding more

Step 5

Season with salt (I use ½tsp)

Step 6

Leave to rest until ready to cook (optional)

Step 7

Remove the hot oil from the oven and carefully pour in the batter, evenly distributing it between the 6 holes

Step 8

Cook for 20-25 minutes until the yorkshire puddings are puffed up and crisp.

Step 9

Remove from the oven and serve immediately