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baked salmon


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Let salmon rest on the counter for 15-30 minutes, until they have (at least mostly) come to room temperature.

Step 2

Heat oven to 450°F.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil (or use an oven-proof non-stick skillet).

Step 3

Blot the salmon filets dry on all sides with paper towels.  Place the salmon skin-side-down the prepared baking sheet (or skillet).  If the ends of the salmon filets are really thin, just tuck them under a bit for even cooking.

Step 4

Brush the salmon on all sides (except the bottom) with oil.  Sprinkle each filet with a generous pinch of salt and black pepper, along with any other dry seasonings you prefer.

Step 5

Bake until the internal temperature of the salmon reaches 135-140°F*, about 4-6 minutes per half inch of thickness (measured by the thickest part of the filet).  You can also test for doneness by inserting a fork or knife in the salmon and twisting it a bit; the fish should be opaque and flake easily.

Step 6

Remove pan from the oven and transfer the salmon to a clean serving plate, either with the skin or leaving the skin behind.  Sprinkle each filet with a good squeeze of lemon juice, plus any extra fresh herbs or sauce that you prefer.  Then serve warm and enjoy!