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edible cookie dough


Your Recipes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total: 15 minutes

Servings: 1.5


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Step 1

Microwave the flour in a small microwave-safe bowl for 1 minute. Remove and stir well. Microwave for an additional minute or until the temperature reaches 180 degrees F. Let cool.

Step 2

Add the flour, almond meal, salt and protein powder to a medium bowl and mix until combined. Cream the butter, sugar and vanilla in a separate bowl. Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture. Add the chocolate chips, white chocolate, carob and sprinkles and mix until combined. The dough should be a little wet, unlike the usual cookie dough texture.

Step 3

Serve with apple slices and graham crackers for dipping. Or roll into balls and coat in additional rainbow sprinkles.

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