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hash brown egg nests


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total: 30 minutes

Servings: 4

Cost: $4.13 /serving


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Step 2

Peel and grate potatoes and add them to a bowl with cold water. Rinse them a few times to wash off starch. Then try potatoes well with a few paper towels.

Step 3

Add dried shredded potatoes to a bowl. Toss with 1 tablespoon of oil and seasonings.

Step 4

Preheat a griddle or large skillet to medium heat. Add potatoes and spread out in an even layer. Cook for 5 minutes until potatoes start to brown. Then stir and continue to cook for about 5 more minutes until potatoes are cooked through, but crispy in some areas. Add more oil if the skillet seems dry at any point.

Step 5

When hash browns are mostly cooked, divide into 4 even mounds. Use a metal mold to make a center well in each mound. Press the hash browns up against the mold so they hold a firm shape. You can use a plastic mold if that’s all you have but remove the hash browns from the skillet first.

Step 6

When the hash browns are shaped with a well in the center, crack an egg into each one. Let cook for about 90 seconds until the eggs are mostly set.

Step 7

Carefully flip hash browns and eggs and cook for 15 seconds on the second side just to set the eggs.

Step 8

Remove hash browns and eggs and garnish with fresh scallions. Serve with bacon or fruit and/or toast!

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