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how to make hibiscus tea (agua de jamaica + flavor variations)


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Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total: 5 minutes

Servings: 4


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Step 1

Boil the water either on the stovetop or in a kettle.

Step 2

Once boiled, place the hibiscus petals in a teapot or pitcher and cover with the water. Allow it to steep for 4-5 minutes, then strain, sweeten, and enjoy.It’s best to use a strainer to place the petals, so removing them after the steeping process is easier.

Step 3

Add the hibiscus petals to a pitcher filled with the water (room temperature or cool is fine) and stir.

Step 4

Place it in the fridge to steep overnight or for up to 2 days. It can take a minimum of 4 hours but steep to your desired color and flavor. Then strain to remove the petals and serve.If you want to sweeten the cold brew, it's best to use a liquid sweetener like simple syrup or maple as they are easier to dilute in the cold tea.

Step 5

You can store any leftover hibiscus tea in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. This makes it a great make-ahead drink, too. It can be enjoyed straight from the fridge or reheated first.You could also pour leftovers in an ice cube tray or even turn them into hibiscus tea popsicles.

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