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homemade sesame snaps


Your Recipes

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 12 minutes

Servings: 12


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Step 1

Preheat the oven to 150 C / 300 F.

Step 2

Thoroughly combine all ingredients in a bowl with a spoon, pressing down the mixture against the sides.

Step 3

Measure out a piece of parchment/baking paper to fit a medium flat baking tray (about 40-cm x 3-cm) and place it on a cutting board or flat surface. See step-by-step pics above.

Step 4

Scoop the mixture into a ball and transfer to the middle of the sheet. Spread into an oval shaped pancake, pressing down with the back of the spoon. Make sure there are no visible holes. Then place another piece of parchment paper over the top and press down with your hands, until the pancake flattens. Make sure not to break it.

Step 5

Using a rolling pin, flatten the mixture into a thin layer. Press and roll the pin over the top starting from the middle in different directions, making sure the mixture doesn’t spread beyond the parchment paper. We’re after 2-3-mm thickness - but don’t worry if it’s a little thicker.

Step 6

Carefully slide the paper with the snap layer onto a baking tray. Peel off the top piece of paper very carefully, patching up any little holes that might appear.

Step 7

Bake in the oven, middle shelf for 10-12 minutes, until golden brown. Keep an eye on it as the mixture does cook quickly and can burn easily. It should be golden brown.

Step 8

Remove from the oven and cool completely. If it’s cold outside, put the tray out in the cold air.

Step 9

Once completely cooled, break into rectangular snap pieces. Keep in an airtight container for up to two weeks.