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quick boiled cabbage recipe


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Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 18 minutes

Total: 20 minutes

Servings: 6


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Step 1

Rinse the cabbage thoroughly and, if needed, remove a few of the outer leaves along with the core.

Step 2

Slice the cabbage into six wedges – first in half, then each half into three.

Step 3

Add the water and salt to a large pot or dutch oven. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat then add the cabbage (the pot should be about ¼ full).

Step 4

Simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. Then, carefully turn the cabbage and simmer for an additional 8 minutes or until tender (the thickest part should be knife/fork tender).

Step 5

While the cabbage is boiling, melt your butter – you can microwave it or do it in a saucepan over low heat. Make sure it doesn't brown.

Step 6

Once the cabbage is done, carefully remove it with a slotted spoon and drain the water from the pan. Place the pan on low heat and allow the moisture to evaporate – the pan should run dry.

Step 7

Add the cabbage back into the pan and add the melted butter so it completely coats the wedges. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Step 8

Store: Allow the cabbage to cool completely before transferring it into a shallow, airtight container or wrapped in aluminum foil. Stored properly, the boiled cabbage will last between 3-5 days, though is best enjoyed fresh or within a day or two of cooking. Freeze: Allow to cool then transfer it to an airtight container or in freezer-safe bags. Keep in the freezer for up to 10 months.

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