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homemade whipped cream


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Prep Time: 10 minutes

Servings: 2


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Step 1

Start by placing a metal bowl and the whisk attachment for either a hand mixer or a stand mixer in the freezer. Allow to chill for fifteen minutes. Optional, but improves the texture and stability of the whipped cream.

Step 2

Remove bowl and whisk from freezer and pour in the heavy whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla extract. Begin to whisk on low until the mixture starts to thicken and foam.Using a bowl and whisk? Settle in and grab a friend to help out, because it'll take a little longer to make whipped cream this way!

Step 3

Once the mixture is foamy, turn up the speed on the mixer to medium/medium high. Continue at this rate until tracks from the whisk start to form in the cream and it becomes thick--about 3 minutes. This will take longer for larger batches of cream.Begin checking the cream frequently for soft, medium, or stiff peaks. Turn off the mixer, pull the whisk away and check the consistency of the "peak" that forms on the whisk. See explanations below:

Step 4

Soft peaks - These are soft billowy peaks that just flop over. Best for scooping and swirling, not piping. Medium peaks - A peak of cream that holds its shape, but flops over at the top. Medium or stiff peaks are best for piping. This is the ideal whipped cream texture in my opinion!Stiff peaks - A stiff peak of cream that holds its shape and does not flop at all. Careful, it's easy to go overwhip here! Stiff peaks are great for piping.Overbeaten - Not quite butter, but the cream has become overly stiff and clumpy. See notes on how to salvage this outcome.

Step 5

Be sure to keep a close eye on the whipped cream and don't walk away (if using a stand mixer). Use fresh whipped cream immediately or pop it in the fridge until ready to use.